Kick Off Photo Competition
The theme of this competition is "Kick Off" so let those creative juices flow and enter some great sporting images. Anything that depicts the beginning of any sporting moment, whether it be a kick off in football, rugby, hockey to name a few, to the starting grid in motor sports or the 1st serve.
You do not have to be member to enter this competition you should simply have a love of sport and the ability to show the essence of the moment.
- Free to enter for all photographers including non members
- A maximum of three images per entrant are welcome
- The work must be that of the entrant
- Images submitted must be no larger than 2000 pixels wide
- All entrants must be able to supply a high resolution image (300dpi)
- Copyright of the images remains with the photographer - The Societies recognises that the entrant, the author of the photograph, retains complete and full ownership of the copyright in each submission
- Entries can be used for publicity purposes only by The Societies and may be printed in our magazine Professional Imagemaker
- Competition Closed
- The judge’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
Winning image can be seen HERE
- One year Free Membership of any of our Societies - which includes: entry to all of our membership only competitions - unrestricted access to our members photography forum – listing on our directory - image mentoring - qualifications and distinctions through submission of images - the winner will also receive our magazine Professional Imagemaker for 12 months.
It only takes a second to score a goal. - Brian Clough