Mission Statement
The aims of The Society of International Sport and Leisure Photographers are to encourage high professional standards and
ethics in photography by providing continued training programmes that will benefit
the experienced professional along with the newcomer to the business. Through
it's publications it encourages the development and discussion about all aspects of
the business of photography and promotes the interests of photographers.
To provide a focused assessment of photographic and allied products, which are
of specific interest to those who earn money from their photography and to provide
essential information on radical changes in photographic capture, manipulation and output.
To encourage newcomers to the profession by providing support and ongoing
print assessments, qualifications and competitions, in order to encourage and inspire them
to achieve their ultimate goals
The organisation prides itself on cultivating friendship and understanding
among photographers from all corners of the globe by having alliances with other
International based Associations.
The Society, Europe's fastest growing independent photographic organisation.