Taikido Kai Karate & Freestyle Martial Arts
Karate Taikido Kai Karate Taikido Kai Karate & Freestyle Martial ArtsBrooklands Club
Leighton Buzzard
tel:- 01525 385195
fax:- 0776 114 7377
web address:- www.taikido-karate.co.uk/
e-mail:- taikido.freestyle@tiscali.co.uk
Karate :-
Each week the training varies but during a typical class and following a warm up session, you practice basic techniques including blocks, kicks, punches and strikes.
Sporting Quotes:
And for those of you who watched the last programme (Fanny and Johnny Craddock), I hope all your doughnuts turn out like Fanny's (David Coleman at the start of Match of the Day)
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